Europe & Central Asia » Italy

Piacenza: Milano’s Bishop (Alfieri) City
  Piacenza Metro Matrix Mental Map Metropolitan Urban Strategic Plan Infrastructure Investment Bishop Elephant
  Regeneration in a Metro-Matrix context.

Piacenza is looking for a new future. In its traditional location in the road along the axis of the Italian peninsula and in the way of all the invasions from Europe, Piacenza has a heritage of Barracks that do not provide a future in the new geopolitical context. Historically an Alfieri (Bishop) in the military defense of Milan, Piacenza has to find a new role. Metro-Matrix (Metropolitan planning/decision-making/management methodology) approach suggests it becomes an Economic Alfieri in the national and international new context.

Excellent communications, high human resources, environmental (urban and natural) outstanding quality, among other assets suggest Piacenza develops a new international and national economic role in the context of its appurtenance to the Milan Metropolis. Assets, nodes, links and potentialities have to be understood to take forward the necessary urban actions and investments. Metro-Matrix provides for that.
Bari: La Escala Regionale per la Citá Intermedie
  Bari (Italy) Metropolitan Urban Plan Politechnic Milan Polimi Milano
  Bari has had three relevant moments in its urban evolution: The Carolinian Plan (from Carlos III, King of Spain in the XVIII Century), the Napoleonic Plan (from the French invasion in early XIX Century) and the current metropolitan vision provided by the work done by the Milano Polytechnic, Department of Urban Planning under the direction of Professor Antonella Contin.
The metropolitan proposal develops a view that integrates the urban, the metropolitan and the regional scales. It deepens in the chromosome DNA structure of the territory as it was understood and planned by the previous historic decisions that have both proved to be a success. The historic responsibility of the continuation and symbiosis of the proposal with its brilliant past is the best argument for the implementation of a proposal that has not fully been understood by the responsible authorities.
The Padana (Lombarda) regional/metropolitan structure
  Metro Matrix Milano Lombardia Structural Propositive Analysis
  In the context of an exercise in the Milano Politecnico workshop some Italian students proposed the approach analysis of the Metro Matrix Method (3M) to the Lombard “cittá diffusa”. North of Milan the explosion has cover all edapho-environmental valuable land. The south however, in spite of an historical dispersion since Roman and Medieval times, still has a less dense grain and could be object of a stronger planning control.

Metro Matrix provides concentration of growth, whatever amount decided, around the Mass Transport Intermodality Centers (Centralities) allowing for an efficient provision of social services,, among which accessibility, and an extensive protection of the remaining agricultural land.

Results of the workshop research will be added to this webpage,
Malpensa: Oxigeno per Malpensa
  Malpensa Milano Lombardia regional metropolitan integration plan
  During his time, Leonardo da Vinci addressed the Ticino Valley, showing a visionary understanding of dimensions beyond the perceptive comprehension of the organoleptic experience. Satellites and planes make this generation of planners and territorial architects the first to be able to perceive dimensions (the 1:50.000 scale and beyond) unforeseen by previous ones.
Malpensa was, from the beginning, a limiting decision. To reuse for commercial purposes an existing military and training airport limited in size and direction was a second choice for a metropolis that wants to be at the forefront of world leadership in many aspects. The 30 million passenger capacity limit has not proven to be an issue only with the Alitalia policy to end the two-headed structure of her service provision between Rome and Milano.
The regional dimension (dependent on Paris, Frankfurt and Madrid for transcontinental flights) acquired by Malpensa in later years should not be a consolation for an ambitious, thriving and innovative city currently restrained by a limited airport.
The proposal made by the Milano Polytechnic to the SEA (Italian airport authority) presented the airport potential in the context of a metropolitan and regional setting in the da Vinci style and vision. The integration of metropolitan economies of the Po Valley around the airport services provides an opportunity for the region, and Italy, to join the forefront of global metropolises. The set of complementarity policies have to be implemented.
Estrategia Supra-Regional de Bari
  The city of Bari in Puglia, Adriatic coast of Italy, plays a role in the southern border of Europe to the Eastern Mediterranean as well as for Adriatic trade. It has to compete for that role with other Adriatic cities, the comparative advantage and the infrastructures required for that strategy are the input of this report to Bari's Metropolitan Strategy
Malpensa Analysis
  Malpensa Milano Lombardia urban regional strategy integration plan
  Complementary Document