Latin America & Caribbean »
Aguascalientes |
Arnulfo Aldaco ha realizado un excelente analisis Metro-Matrix de la ciudad de Aguascalientes dentro del conjunto metropolitano de Queretaro/Guanajuato.
Ha realizado una punblicacion en su blog. He aqui la copia. |
Mega-Mexico: Tres en raya |
Mexico has from its Aztec pre-foundation a reticular urban structure. That was taken over by the Spaniards that extended it, as did the Republic later on. Mexico DF’s problem has come with the XXth. C. explosion that has been uncontrolled reaching now a population of 19 million inhabitants in an area that overspills any administrative management boundary over several Federal States.
Eight million passengers use daily the ‘reticular’ metro. Only 150.000 the well capillary train-tracks network with very poor commuting services. These figures show the flaws of Mega-Mexico planning and management: lack of visionary scale. Mexicans still look to short, too close. Expanding the vision to the valley (latest news) is not even enough by this time: too late, too short. Mega Mexico expands over 4 valleys: Toluca, Mexico and Puebla, linked by the Sierra Madre Valley. This report articulates the four of them providing a framework for Mega Mexico. The urban reticular structure of central Mexico with the diagonal feature of Paseo de la Reforma over the triangle of Zocalo-Revolucion-Buenavista expands and shifts into a metropolitan reticular structure of the 3 valleys with the diagonal of Sierra Madre. Commuter train services give Mexico DF the oxygen it needs. Metro-Train centralities articulate both urban and metropolitan dimensions. |
D4D Mexico DF Propositive Analysis |
Mexico is one of the Megacities of the world. That requires Mega Governance and Mega solutions in a Mega scale vision. None of the three is present in Mexico. The size of the metropolis has grown beyond the metropolitan borders. The management of the metropolis has not.
- It suffers a very limited commuter train service. An Administration that still thinks a BRT or a Metro will solve the problems.
- A wrong imposed circular (radial-orbital) model of growth. Against the historical heritage of an efficient reticular system.
- The myopia focus at the urban scale, without a broad view to the regional context.
All are limitations to the real Mexico solving problem need.
Mexico needs a mega scale approach as other megacities have. New York and Los Angeles are an example of it. Cities despised as monster cities. But cities that work. That is why they are leading cities in the world. Mexico needs to shift its parameters to be able to join the forerunners of the world class cities.
This report provides Mexico DF (their administrators) with the opportunity to do so. |
Guadalajara Metropolitan Vertebration |
Guadalajara is the second metropolis of Mexico after the Federal District. It has more than 4.5 million inhabitants and is growing at a rate of almost 3% in urban land terms. With a GDP of only 17.000 USD (Paris 85.000) has a lot of potential to integrate the world-class metropolises group, and boost its GDP. This will have a spin-off beneficial effect not only on Guadalajara’s hinterland, but in Mexico as a whole as well.
Guadalajara has a very clear and significant metropolitan structure but public policies are not addressing the needs nor presenting a consistent vision. Metastatic growth in a ever-expanding unstructured conurbation have to articulated in to a full-bodied polycentric metropolis.
Guadalajara has two main metropolitan axis and rail track assets that can become the backbone of the metropolitan skeleton. Typological TOD’s and metropolitan Centralities would provide the structuring elements of the urban metabolism. Polycentric UDE’s will do the rest. The whole on the background setting of a protected primal green infrastructure. |
De T a TT: Torreón en su contexto Metropolitano de Laguna |
Torreón en su contexto metropolitano: Laguna
Proyectos estratégicos
1) Centralidad urbana. Nueva Estación de Cercanías
2) Reconversión aeropuerto
3) Sistema verde metropolitano y parques urbanos
4) Nuevo Aeropuerto
5) Centralidad Direccional Metropolitana M40D
6) Centralidades productivas en bordes metropolitanos
7) Subcentralidades urbanas
8) Centralidades residenciales |
The Garden of the Gods (Central Mexico Metropolitan integration) |
The core of México is formed by several metropolises: León/Querétaro, Mega-México, Guadalajara and Morelia. They are discontinuous but form altogether 90% of the GDP of the country. They have to be integrated to benefit form a multiplier effect and take Mexico GDP from 8.000 USD per Capita to 40.000.
We have approached the integration of the two metropolises, Leon/Querétaro (5.5 m. inhabitants) and Morelia (2 m.).
Each has its own structure, but both structures follow geodesic lines. Between both a large area which is still undeveloped, and should be preserved due to its edafological, ecological and cultural values. The Valley between the Sierra Madre Central and Sierra madre del Sur is a valley filled of extinct Volcanos and a high phreatic level (napa) that produces numerous lagoons.
Seems anarchic to the layman. The Metropolitan planner job is to understand the underlying structure of the territory (geographic, geologic, topologic, etc) and make it flourish with projects that correspond and enhance its own DNA.
The result is two meandering lines of volcanos that can be linked by a trail for cultural and environmental enjoyment. Both join in Yuriria lagoon, with an historic and cultural substrata.
The giant volcanos, sitting ground for the Aztec Gods, in the green valley are just the features of the Garden of the Gods. Xiuhtecuhtli |
Leon-Guanajuato Metropolis: How to tame the Lion |
Leon is in one of the most economically active areas of Mexico. In the Queretaro corridor up to the USA. Building up the metropolis, integrating the Cities of Aguascalientes, San Francisco, Leon, Guanajuato, Silao, Irapuato, Salamanca, Celaya and Queretaro will multiply efficiency with a GDP leap beyond 30%.
Designing the 20 urban centralities (TOD's) of the metropolis will contribute to prevent urban sprawl and uncontrolled developments. It will provide support for 300.000 dwellings and 1 million inhabitants on the self-finance 60 kms long proposed commuter train.
This is a porposal mede to the Guanajuato Governor form the Urban Design Chair of LaSalle University with Professor Monica Hibert. |
Mazatlan urban pattern required shift |
Mazatlan is a medium size city of 400.000 inhabitants. Expected to be 750.000 in 15 years. Explosive rates of growth.
Future is threefold: 1) Tourism, from US and Canada, with a naval component as the gateway to California gulf, 2) Agro-food industry for the US market and 3) logistics turntable, as the new inbound superhighway to Durango opens up Mexico north and across to the Atlantic.
The city has grown north along the bisector axis between port and seacoast: The Mexico 15 road converted into the main urban axis. National rail tracks, parallel to the sea, have played a role of cutting knife rather than backbone. That has to change if Mazatlan wants to join the group of developed cities. Actually disjointed incrementalist, privately provided, public transport responds mainly to demand. Limited supply rationale. Car ownership has, and will grow from 16.000 in 1970 to close to 600.000 in 2023: 36-fold.
The city must think now in Metropolitan terms. Prepare its future. Time has not yet come for a train service. Rail tracks are thought immense asset that has to be exploited for population's benefit. Now they are in hands of powerful economic lobbies. It could could support as a start an LRT service. Intermodal Centralities with BRT and Bus feeding routes would provide access to the coastal tourist centralities and inland social housing estates. Densities developed according to transport accessibility. Urban centralities can house social and economic facilities. The urban system will grow into a full-fledged structure, as Curitiba, with a long-term vision.
Future of Mazatlan might be brilliant, provided social resources and intelligent Governance conveys the required metropolitan process. |
Beatrice Loda: Mexico Metropolis: Zócalo Identity |
The Zócalo project as the gate to the submerged city.
B. Beatrice Loda, Pedro B. Ortiz, MSLab.
The project for the improvement of the Zócalo is going back to the Aztec hydraulic management of water as a precious resource in order to raise consciousness of the sustainable Mexican permaculture.
The challenge is to establish a durable relation among the different layers of the city, carving out the hidden identity of Mexico City. The dry grey infrastructure projected by Pedro B. Ortiz and the wet green Aztec infrastructure are geographical so are coincident.... amazing discover. |
Morelia: Cutting the diamond right |
Michoacán has a per-capita income close to 4.500 USD (27th State out of 32) when México-country is at 8.000 and México-city at 18.000. Just in the wealthy center of the country Morelia, with the umbilical cord of the Lazaro Cardenas Pacific ocean port, has to do better. It needs to integrate and project its economy for added value processes, targeting international markets, as a stand for a Metropolitan strategic vision. |
Clase 1 Curso Arquitectura Metropolitana para docentes |
Universidad de Guadalajara, CUAAD |
Clase 2 Curso Arquitectura Metropolitana para docentes |
Documento Anejo: El Arte de Cocinar la Metropolis |
Documento Anejo: La articulación del dialogo interinstitucional en el marco metropolitano |
Documento Anejo: stripped naked Metropolitan Governance |
Clase 3 Curso Arquitectura Metropolitana para docentes |
Documento Anejo: La Carta Metropolitana |
Los criterios de localización de los elementos urbanos en un marco metropolitano articulados por la Metro-Matrix |
Clase 4 Curso Arquitectura Metropolitana para docentes |
Clase 5 Curso Arquitectura Metropolitana para docentes |
Elementos de conformación de una politica de Vivienda |
Governance Dont's |