Metro-Matrix Theory » Metropolitan Discipline Video Slides

Metropolitan Discipline: 01/20 The New Discipline (Pedro B. Ortiz)
  Pedro B. Ortiz Metropolitan Discipline Metro Matrix
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Metropolises are exploding. Experiencing rapid growth phenomena for the first time in history. We need a discipline of knowledge to manage them. This series of 20 inception lectures attempt to explore the basics of the new discipline we have to build.
Metropolitan Discipline: 02/20 The Metropolitan Genoma (Pedro B. Ortiz)
  Pedro B. Ortiz Metropolitan Discipline Metro Matrix
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Metropolises are complex systems. They work more like countries than cities. The economic power and socio-economic complexity often overcome countries. Complexity that can be described through the 4 components of the Genoma pyramid: Social Equity, Economic Efficiency, Physical Sustainability and Governance Equilibrium.
Metropolitan Discipline: 03/20 The Economic Component (Pedro B. Ortiz)
  Pedro B. Ortiz Metropolitan Urban Genoma Planning Economic Development
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Metropolises need to compete. The Globalization makes metropolises complementary one to each other. The ones that work more efficiently use the others for their benefit. Able to work better their position themselves as turning tables of the global network. We shall see in this lecture the Economic Component of the Metropolitan Genoma, to understand what we have to do to make our metropolises competitive.
Metropolitan Discipline: 04/20 The Social Component (Pedro B. Ortiz)
  Pedro B. Ortiz Metropolitan Discipline Metro Matrix Structural Strategic Planning
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The objective of the Social Component is Equity: Equal accessibility to develop your full potential and a safety net of human dignity to access your basic needs. The Social Component has to instances: Human Resources and Social resources. The latter known as well as Collective Intelligence. Two theories for the Social Resources instance: The Empirical approach of the Chicago School, now NY New School, and the Gestalt approach of the Vienna School. Still, like in the light theory for the particle and wave alternatives, waiting for the one that will unify both.
Metropolitan Discipline: 05/20 The Governance Component (Pedro B. Ortiz)
  Pedro B. Ortiz Metropolitan Discipline Genoma Metro Matrix Structural Strategic Planning
  The objective of the Governance Component is equilibrium: Equilibrium among the 3 antagonist components that fight for scarce resources (budget, natural) in the pursuit of their own different objectives. The Governance component must develop the dialogue between the Private and the Public sector. The sensible results of this dialogue will indicate the level of collective intelligence reached in that metropolis.
Metropolitan Discipline: 06/20 The Physical Component (Pedro B. Ortiz)
  Pedro B. Ortiz Metropolitan Discipline Genoma Metro Matrix Structural Strategic Planning
  The objective of the Physical-Territorial Component is Sustainability. The Component includes both the Natural environment and the Urban one. It has five sectors: Environment, Transports, Housing, Productive Activities and Social Facilities. Among these two of them are continuous systems (Environment and Transport). The other 3 are discontinuous. They will require a different approach.
Metropolitan Discipline: 07/20 Scales and Differences. (Pedro B. Ortiz)
  Pedro B. Ortiz Metropolitan Discipline Genoma Metro Matrix Structural Strategic Planning
  Scales of intervention require different approaches as well as different disciplines of knowledge and institutions for intervention. From the Architectural scale (1:50) to the World scale (1:50 million) the combination of disciplines required differ greatly. We are going to see which are those differences as well as the characteristics and disciplines required for the Metropolitan scale (1:50.000)
Metropolitan Discipline: 08/20 Metro-Curves (Pedro B. Ortiz)
  Pedro B. Ortiz Metropolitan Discipline Genoma Metro Matrix Structural Strategic Planning
  The Metropolitan Phenomena are the outcome of socioeconomic and physical processes ruled and represented by statistical formulas and curves. We are looking at several of these metropolitan phenomena and the curves that determine them. If you are not aware of the curve that rules your phenomenon, (IE an exponential curve instead of a sigmoid for car ownership), your extrapolation and forecasting will be wrong and you will mislead on the solutions and investments.
Metropolitan Discipline: 09/20 Strategic and Structural (Pedro B. Ortiz)
  Pedro B. Ortiz Metropolitan Discipline Genoma Metro Matrix Structural Strategic Planning
  Metropolises are not planned with a regulatory framework plan. Metropolises require a different type of planning, Strategic and Structural. There is a lot of confusion over which one to use and how to call it. The abuse of the word strategic attests for a confusion. While Strategic Planning for a Metropolis involves the 4 Components of the Genoma (Social, Economic, Physical and Governance), Structural Planning focus mainly on the 5 sectors of the Physical Component. (Environment, Transport, Housing, Productive Activities and Social Facilities)
Metropolitan Discipline: 10/20 Directionalities and Chess (Pedro B. Ortiz)
  Pedro B. Ortiz Metropolitan Discipline Genoma Metro Matrix Structural Strategic Planning
  Metropolises are metropolises because they have location advantages. Cities in a featureless plain (Central Place Theory) rarely become metropolises. Metropolises generally control two ecosystems gateway: seaport, river crossing, mountain range passage, etc. This geo-topographical asset is not isomorph. It has a main and complementary directionality. Chessboard becomes the rule for physical planning: The Metro-Matrix.
Metropolitan Discipline: 11/20 Mental Maps & Metro-Matrix (Pedro B. Ortiz)
  Pedro B. Ortiz Metropolitan Discipline Genoma Metro Matrix Structural Strategic Planning
  You must an integrated view of the metropolis to be able to make the right decisions in the right spots. A disjointed incrementalist approach will come at the end to a piecemeal of actions centered at the wrong scale on the wrong locations. That characterizes most of the urban-metropolitan actions we see around. To understand the structural mechanics of the metropolis Mental Maps are essential. Metro-matrix provides the planning technique to design them.
Metropolitan Discipline: 12/20 The Metropolitan Digit (Pedro B. Ortiz)
  Pedro B. Ortiz Metropolitan Discipline Genoma Metro Matrix Structural Strategic Planning
  Metropolises are made out of polycentric structure of municipalities. These municipalities are the metropolitan digits. You have to understand 1) the metropolitan structure from the Mental Maps, 2) the Pentalogue of action and 3) the win-win participation of municipalities to the metropolitan whole. Location of specific land-uses in a municipality, with the metropolis in mind is the way to build up the Municipal Master Plans on a BUD unit (Balanced Urban Development) approach.
Metropolitan Discipline: 13/20 Metropolitan Acupuncture (Pedro B. Ortiz)
  Pedro B. Ortiz Metropolitan Discipline Genoma Metro Matrix Structural Strategic Planning
  Metropolises cannot be controlled in all aspects: too large and too complex. You have to select where to act and will result in maximum beneficial general impact. That is the Metropolitan Acupuncture. Once acupuncture points are selected you have to insert the needle. You have to design the Metropolitan Architecture (architecture with metropolitan impact). Milano Politecnico Professor A. Contin has been doing that for many years with high success. Examples are provided.
Metropolitan Discipline: 14/20 Madrid 1996-2016. Prototype (Pedro B. Ortiz)
  Pedro B. Ortiz Metropolitan Discipline Genoma Metro Matrix Structural Strategic Planning
  Madrid in the 90’s had a double characteristic that allowed it to establish the right approach and to build the prototype of the discipline. Madrid was growing fast for a developed economy (50% every 20 years) and was wealthy enough to be able to afford the infrastructures required (9.000 Euros of annual local public budget per family). Action had to be rationalized instead of continuing the usual partisan policies. Transparent rationality limits shadowy corruption. Politics fought back.
Metropolitan Discipline: 15/20 Metro-recipe, Eggs on Toast (Pedro B. Ortiz)
  Pedro B. Ortiz Metropolitan Discipline Genoma Metro Matrix Structural Strategic Planning
  If medieval cities were boiled eggs, bourgeois cities fried eggs and actual cities are scramble eggs, according to Cedric Price, how should we cook metropolises from now on? An analogy that can provide the idea on how to go ahead on building up the management technique we need.
Metropolitan Discipline: 16/20 Metropolitan Governance (Pedro B. Ortiz)
  Pedro B. Ortiz Metropolitan Discipline Genoma Metro Matrix Structural Strategic Planning
  9 Sectors and Components, with 9 Elements each, can come up with 400 million alternative examples on how the aspects of the metropolis can be managed. We cannot build up knowledge on metropolises with a descriptive approach. We have to approach the subject form an analytical point of view. Metropolises are to be managed like countries not cities. There are 3 systems to manage countries: Centralized, Federal and Confederal. We shall explore the pros and cons of these 3 alternatives when applied to metropolises.
Metropolitan Discipline: 17/20 Metropolitan Finance (Pedro B. Ortiz)
  Pedro B. Ortiz Metropolitan Discipline Genoma Metro Matrix Structural Strategic Planning
  Metropolises confront two difficulties. They rarely have metropolitan governments, and thus lack specific metropolitan budgets to deal with the problems that require direct action. Second, the metropolises most in need are the rapid-developing ones. They are mostly on low-income countries. Public budget is not proportional to wealth. It is exponential. How to bridge this gap? The share of Direct and Indirect taxes is the way forward: “pays who consumes”. Equity has to be cared for too.
Metropolitan Discipline: 18/20 Metropolitan Brainshops (Pedro B. Ortiz)
  Pedro B. Ortiz Metropolitan Discipline Genoma Metro Matrix Structural Strategic Planning
  Metropolises are not to be planned by a technical team under the rule of a handful of politicians. Metropolises are the concern of all of us and all those involved in the different sectors of decision-making must share the matrix dialogue that builds-up collective intelligence. We are putting the brains of metropolises together to define the desirable and possible future. Not wishful thinking: the way to set strategic objectives and structural projects, which will pave the road for that future. There is a methodology for it: The Brainshops
Metropolitan Discipline: 19/20 Latin v. Anglo-Saxon (Pedro B. Ortiz)
  Pedro B. Ortiz Metropolitan Discipline Genoma Metro Matrix Structural Strategic Planning
  Europe has two main cultures, the ones derived form the Roman Empire and the ones that derived from the non-Romanized Germanic and Anglo-Saxon tribal system. Two legal systems: the Roman-Napoleonic and the Common Law. Thus two Planning systems derived from these constitutional and legislative frameworks. European colonialism for 500 years has expanded this dichotomy to most countries in the world.
Metropolitan Discipline: 20/20 Next steps (Pedro B. Ortiz)
  Pedro B. Ortiz Metropolitan Discipline Genoma Metro Matrix Structural Strategic Planning
  How to go forward? A consortium of universities are involved in building up the Discipline. We have several practical ways to apply it too. Metropolitan plans, Metropolitan workshops, Metropolitan courses are available but have to be expanded. Research on specific areas is necessary and welcome. Join us in this historical effort on which depends a good share of a sustainable future for our planet.
01 Video transcript with reference slides
  If you want to research further into the concepts and information stated in the videos (sorry if my English is not good enough) you can find the transcript of the video related to the images and some conceptual headings.
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02 Video transcript with reference slides
  If you want to research further into the concepts and information stated in the videos (sorry if my English is not good enough) you can find the transcript of the video related to the images and some conceptual headings.
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03 Video transcript with reference slides
  If you want to research further into the concepts and information stated in the videos (sorry if my English is not good enough) you can find the transcript of the video related to the images and some conceptual headings.
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04 Video transcript with reference slides
  If you want to research further into the concepts and information stated in the videos (sorry if my English is not good enough) you can find the transcript of the video related to the images and some conceptual headings.
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05 Video transcript with reference slides
  If you want to research further into the concepts and information stated in the videos (sorry if my English is not good enough) you can find the transcript of the video related to the images and some conceptual headings.
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06 Video transcript with reference slides
  If you want to research further into the concepts and information stated in the videos (sorry if my English is not good enough) you can find the transcript of the video related to the images and some conceptual headings.
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07 Video transcript with reference slides
  If you want to research further into the concepts and information stated in the videos (sorry if my English is not good enough) you can find the transcript of the video related to the images and some conceptual headings.
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08 Video transcript with reference slides
  If you want to research further into the concepts and information stated in the videos (sorry if my English is not good enough) you can find the transcript of the video related to the images and some conceptual headings.
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09 Video transcript with reference slides
  If you want to research further into the concepts and information stated in the videos (sorry if my English is not good enough) you can find the transcript of the video related to the images and some conceptual headings.
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10 Video transcript with reference slides
  If you want to research further into the concepts and information stated in the videos (sorry if my English is not good enough) you can find the transcript of the video related to the images and some conceptual headings.
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12 Video transcript with reference slides
  If you want to research further into the concepts and information stated in the videos (sorry if my English is not good enough) you can find the transcript of the video related to the images and some conceptual headings.
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13 Video transcript with reference slides.
  If you want to research further into the concepts and information stated in the videos (sorry if my English is not good enough) you can find the transcript of the video related to the images and some conceptual headings.
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14 Video transcript with reference slides.
  If you want to research further into the concepts and information stated in the videos (sorry if my English is not good enough) you can find the transcript of the video related to the images and some conceptual headings.
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16 Video transcript with reference slides.
  If you want to research further into the concepts and information stated in the videos (sorry if my English is not good enough) you can find the transcript of the video related to the images and some conceptual headings.
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18 Video transcript with reference slides
  If you want to research further into the concepts and information stated in the videos (sorry if my English is not good enough) you can find the transcript of the video related to the images and some conceptual headings.
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19 Video transcript with reference slides.
  If you want to research further into the concepts and information stated in the videos (sorry if my English is not good enough) you can find the transcript of the video related to the images and some conceptual headings.
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20 Video transcript with reference slides
  If you want to research further into the concepts and information stated in the videos (sorry if my English is not good enough) you can find the transcript of the video related to the images and some conceptual headings.
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01 Nueva Disciplina Transcripción al español
  Las metrópolis están explotando. Experimentando fenómenos de crecimiento rápido por primera vez en la historia. Necesitamos una disciplina de conocimiento para manejarlas. Esta serie de 20 clases iniciales intentan explorar los fundamentos de la nueva disciplina que tenemos que desarrollar entre todos.
02 Genoma Metropolitano Transcripción al Español
  Las metrópolis son sistemas complejos. Funcionan más como países que como ciudades. El poder económico a menudo supera al poder de los países. Esa complejidad que se puede describir a través de los 4 componentes y objetivos de la pirámide del Genoma: Equidad Social, Eficiencia Económica, Sostenibilidad Física y Equilibrio de Gobernabilidad.
03 Componente Económico: Transcripción al español
  Las metrópolis necesitan competir. La globalización hace que las metrópolis se complementen en una trama global. Las que trabajan con mayor eficacia se sirven de las otras. Son capaces de mejorar su posición convirtiéndose en las plataformas de la red global. Veremos en esta charla el Componente Económico del Genoma Metropolitano. Nos ayuda a comprender lo que tenemos que hacer para que nuestras metrópolis sean competitivas.
04 Componente Social: Transcripción al español
  El objetivo del componente Social es la Equidad: Igualdad en la acceso a oportunidades así como una plataforma para acceder a las necesidades básicas de la dignidad humana. El Componente Social tiene dos instancias: los Recursos Humanos y los Recursos Sociales. Este último también conocido como Inteligencia Colectiva. Dos teorías para los Recursos Sociales: El enfoque empírico de la Escuela de Chicago, ahora New School de Nueva York, y el enfoque de la Gestalt de la Escuela de Viena. Aún así, como en la teoría de la luz con las dos teorías de partículas y ondas, estamos esperando a que alguien las unifique.
05 Componente de la Gobernanza: Transcripción en español
  El objetivo de la Gobernanza es el Equilibrio: Equilibrio entre los 3 componentes antagonistas que luchan entre ellos por apropiarse de los recursos escasos: presupuesto, naturaleza, etc. El componente de Gobernanza debe desarrollar el diálogo entre el sector privado y el público. Los buenos resultados de este diálogo indicarán el nivel de inteligencia colectiva alcanzado en la metrópoli.
06 El Componente Territorial. Transcripción al español
  El objetivo del componente Físico-Territorial es la Sostenibilidad. El Componente incluye tanto el entorno Natural como el Urbano. Tiene cinco sectores: Medio Ambiente, Transportes, Vivienda, Actividades Productivas y Equipamientos Sociales. Entre estos dos son sistemas continuos: Medio Ambiente y Transporte. Los otros 3 son sistemas discontinuos. Se requerirá un enfoque diferente para las dos tipologías.
07 Escalas y Divergencias. Transcripción al español
  Las escalas de intervención requieren diferentes enfoques. También diferentes disciplinas de conocimiento e instituciones de intervención. Desde la escala de la Arquitectura (1:50) a la escala del Mundo (1:50 millones) la combinación de disciplinas requeridas difiere mucho. Vamos a ver cuáles son esas diferencias, así como las características y disciplinas requeridas para la escala Metropolitana (1: 50.000)