Latin America & Caribbean »
Santa Rosa Toay, 4 centralidades en busca de autor |
Santa Rosa, al final de la Pampa, en un borde de transicion refleja esta doble condicion. Si estrucutura fuertemente lineal se debe a su posicion a lo largo de una via de atrtavesamiento de la llanur Pampera desde Buenos Aires. La periodicidad de los asentamientos urbanos a lo largo de esta linea refelan esta funcion dinamica.
Pero su posicion en el limite de transicion queda reflejado en la transversalidad a este eje principal. Ambos determinan un proceso de formacion estrucutural urbano que en tiempos mas modernos a perdido la sensibilidad de respuesta introduciendo contradicciones y respuestas incoherentes o caóticas.
En este ejercicio proponemos la recuperacion de una vision integral para la determinacion y priorizacion de las infrastetructuras que conformen su futuro urbano y metropolitano. |
Mendoza Metropolitana |
Mendoza tiene una posición geográfica muy especial. A los pies de la cordillera de los Andes, tiene mucha agua, pero es un desierto. Similar a Terán. La tierra agrícola, su mayor patrimonio, está siendo invadida por el crecimiento urbano, ahogando su propio recurso natural.
Mendoza está teniendo un crecimiento rápido. En 30 años a crecido un 77%. Eso supone un ritmo anual del entorno de 2.75%. No es alto en comparación con otras metrópolis, pero el fenómeno debe ser gestionado.
No hay en estos momentos un policía urbana o metropolitana coherente. En ausencia de profesionales y universidades en establecer estas líneas de debate y propuestas de gestión, tanto los políticos y empresarios establecen una política de urgencia que va invadiendo a corto plazo terrenos cuyas consecuencias se sentirán en el largo, cuando ya sean inevitables.
Vivienda: La extrapolación de población para los próximos 30 años es de mas de 800.000 habitantes sobre el mas de un millón actual. Se van a requerir 360.000 nuevas viviendas. ¿Dónde? Esa es la pregunta que deben responder. Si no se hace, las consecuencias son responsabilidad de quien no haya dado soluciones.
Producción: En términos económicos, sobre el recorrido Santiago/Buenos Aires, Mendoza tiene los dos mercados a su alcance. Puerto Logístico, industria de transformación de los productos pasantes entre uno y otro país, y sobretodo, industria agroalimentaria que de valor añadido a su rica producción agrícola.
Agricultura: El tesoro de Mendoza es su agua de los Andes que se pierde en el desierto. El máximo aprovechamiento de esta agua debe ser una prioridad. Los cultivos hidropónicos deben ser una política generalizada. Eso puede permitir una extensión de la superficie de cultivo de hasta un 50% de la actual. ¿Sabrá Mendoza hacerlo? |
A student poor interpretation of the Metropolitan Integration |
Argentina has a problem. Here is an example of a student at Milano Politecnico that was not able to understand the deep structure of the metropolis and produce a project that would have addressed the future with a holistic strategy. Instead, she plagiarizes the Metro-Matrix analysis, without mentioning or referring to it, and only picks a simple part of it to develop her limited architectural approach to a train station.The mention to a La Palice truth stated by Jan Gehl just reinforces this statement.
This is the type of behavior that jeopardizes the development of Argentina. One or two behaviors like this one are not a problem as the country can manage to control this type of individuals. But when this pattern repeats and is not denounced and marginalized, then it becomes a cultural pattern that prevents the country to build up Collective Intelligence. Argentina must address this kind of behavior if it wants, as it deserves, to join the leading countries of the world. The country is at stake. |
Buenos Aires Parrillada, MIT Metro-Lab 2018 results |
Buenos Aires is growing as an octopus, extending its tentacles and engulfing everything on his way. That is the product of an uncontrolled metastatic growth unchecked by sustainable, efficient and equitable metropolitan policies.
The system proves to be contra-natura, as the topography/hydrology/geography of Buenos Aires is not radial. It is actually formed by parallel creeks, perpendicular to the Plata River coast.
The Matchuelo (Matanzas-Riachuelo) river basin can provide the chance to install a sustainable system where urban centralities, on mass rail transit. They would serve the population, allowing for the interstitial environment flow with a rural-urban link strategy. Similar to a brochette of urban-proteins and green-vegetables. Each river basin can then be a singular brochette on an integrated metropolitan approach.
Buenos Aires will harness the engulfing octopus and make a great Argentinian Parrillada out of the chopped octopus meat. Enjoy your meal! |
Centralidades metropolitanas sobre General Paz |
Buenos aires tiene una estructura metropolitana semicircular congestionante. Debería descentralizar las actividades en el centro en una serie de Centralidades Económicas terciarias y cuaternarias sobre una estructura reticular metropolitana.
Sobre esta idea desarrollada por el Arquitecto/Urbanista de Buenos Aires Martin Diego Fdez. Meijide en el Metro-Laboratorio desarrollado por CIPPEC en Buenos Aires durante los dias 14 a 17 de Diciembre de 2016, he aqui unas ideas para alimentar dicha excelente propuesta y consecuente debate para perfilar su implementación. |
Governance of a World Metropolis: Buenos Aires |
Buenos Aires, with 12 million inhabitants, on its way to 15 m, is one of the most relevant world metropolises. With Brazil and Mexico is one of the strongest economies of LAC and accounts for more than 60% of the National GDP.
The size and power of Buenos Aires is difficult to handle. The inherited radial-finger form has been assumed as a curse and no public policy maker dares to contest it. As the submission of the municipalities of the metropolitan area dare to confront the power and budget of central Buenos Aires.
Economic, social and political power need to be spread, shared and the metropolitan area needs to be given a chance against the congestive monocentrism of the actual physical and government structures.
The Governance of this Metropolis cannot be the product of a weak municipal confederation. Needs the direct responsibility of the Province (Jurisdiction) and the Nation (Finance). Buenos Aires is a National issue. If Buenos Aires doesn’t work, Argentina doesn’t work. This is the Challenge. |
Gran Buenos Aires metropolitan approach |
Buenos Aires zoom-out new metropolitan vision. Buenos Aires requires a new vision. The myopic vision to central Buenos Aires does distort the metropolitan DNA structure into a semicircular paradigm that does not represent adequately the real Buenos Aires.
When you zoom out to the metro-regional context you immediately see that the riverbank of the Mar del Plata does determine a main directionality for the urban structure. The perpendicular gradient completes the orthogonal reticular axis.
These images only approach the problem. They are just an attempt to open a discussion that will really create the adequate approach to the metropolitan understanding and for promoting the adequate solutions for Buenos Aires. Much work is still to be done, but I must take a step forward after many years seeing how Buenos Aires is groping for its future. |
Buenos Aires, too large for the nation, too small for the right approach |
Argentina is megacephaly. This is not necessarily a terminal disease. France, for instance, is as well. And France has been one of the leading cultures and economies in the world. The weight of Paris or Buenos Aires in the national context is too large. A more equilibrate system might be more efficient apart from more equitable.
The Inter-American Development Bank, under the leadership of Francisca Rojas, is rightly approaching a decentralization policy promoting intermediate metropolis inland. Difficulties on inter-municipal governance frameworks have required analyzing the many alternative inter-institutional alternatives. From Confederate to Unitary to Federal frameworks alternatives are many. Dialogue and collective intelligence is the way forward. |