Latin America & Caribbean » Chile »
Santiago de Chile
Santiago: Ordenacion Reticular del Territorio 1998-2028 |
Santiago is experiencing a process that is quite characteristic of Latin American urban growth. Confronted with a lack of infrastructure, the following dwelling is built (low height – 2 stories) next to the last one with a simple, single plot and extension of the basic infrastructure networks: water and electricity. This metastasis process goes on to the infinite. The reticula is respected and this provides for a basis for urban upgrading in the future.
This homogeneous (repetitive to the infinite) metastasis process has to be structured to create a real city with complementary and synergic functions:
- The metropolitan dimension, the 1:50,000 scale, has to be organized in upper grade functions as supraurban intermodal centers (metropolitan facilities, universities, hospitals, stadiums), as well as specialized centralities of base (export) economy sectors.
- The urban scale has to be qualified. The neighborhood facilities provided in civic centralities around the basic urban intermodality transport nodes should be located in close proximity to green spaces and community governance institutional buildings. A sense of place has to be structured.
It is time to do it, from Santiago to Bogota, from Montevideo to Lima. Processes are similar, the culture is the same, and solutions can be shared, though adapted to each set of specific circumstances. The urban BUD requalifies the urban space. The CT method structures the metropolis. |
Hasta donde va a crecer Santiago? |
The Latin American city requires governance. Collective decisions have to be taken. The urban process cannot just be the continuous growth of the urban fabric in a metastasis process of disjointed, incrementalist individual decisions.
Confronted with the scale within which the urban processes are going to take place, the need for this governance becomes so urgent that society might react by building up a sense of collective coordination that has been missing along these infinite aggregative urban developments. |