Latin America & Caribbean » Argentina » Santa Rosa Toay

Santa Rosa Toay, 4 centralidades en busca de autor
  Pedro B. Ortiz Santa Rosa Toay Argentina Metropolitan Metro Matrix Structural Strategic Planning
  Santa Rosa, al final de la Pampa, en un borde de transicion refleja esta doble condicion. Si estrucutura fuertemente lineal se debe a su posicion a lo largo de una via de atrtavesamiento de la llanur Pampera desde Buenos Aires. La periodicidad de los asentamientos urbanos a lo largo de esta linea refelan esta funcion dinamica.

Pero su posicion en el limite de transicion queda reflejado en la transversalidad a este eje principal. Ambos determinan un proceso de formacion estrucutural urbano que en tiempos mas modernos a perdido la sensibilidad de respuesta introduciendo contradicciones y respuestas incoherentes o caóticas.

En este ejercicio proponemos la recuperacion de una vision integral para la determinacion y priorizacion de las infrastetructuras que conformen su futuro urbano y metropolitano.
A student poor interpretation of the Metropolitan Integration
  Santa Rosa Toay
  Argentina has a problem. Here is an example of a student at Milano Politecnico that was not able to understand the deep structure of the metropolis and produce a project that would have addressed the future with a holistic strategy. Instead, she plagiarizes the Metro-Matrix analysis, without mentioning or referring to it, and only picks a simple part of it to develop her limited architectural approach to a train station.The mention to a La Palice truth stated by Jan Gehl just reinforces this statement.

This is the type of behavior that jeopardizes the development of Argentina. One or two behaviors like this one are not a problem as the country can manage to control this type of individuals. But when this pattern repeats and is not denounced and marginalized, then it becomes a cultural pattern that prevents the country to build up Collective Intelligence. Argentina must address this kind of behavior if it wants, as it deserves, to join the leading countries of the world. The country is at stake.