Metro-Matrix Theory » Metropolitan Discipline Video Slides » 08 Metro Curves and Functions

Metropolitan Discipline: 08/20 Metro-Curves (Pedro B. Ortiz)
  Pedro B. Ortiz Metropolitan Discipline Genoma Metro Matrix Structural Strategic Planning
  The Metropolitan Phenomena are the outcome of socioeconomic and physical processes ruled and represented by statistical formulas and curves. We are looking at several of these metropolitan phenomena and the curves that determine them. If you are not aware of the curve that rules your phenomenon, (IE an exponential curve instead of a sigmoid for car ownership), your extrapolation and forecasting will be wrong and you will mislead on the solutions and investments.
08 Video transcript with reference slides
  If you want to research further into the concepts and information stated in the videos (sorry if my English is not good enough) you can find the transcript of the video related to the images and some conceptual headings.
Please only use it for academic purposes. Reference to the source required. Thank you