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Bogota and Cundinamarca integration UNCRD RDD Vol 34 |
As the author does state Bogota and its metropolitan region, the Sabana, is one of the five most important metropolises in Latin America. The economies of Brazil and Mexico or Argentina are in the range of 8 to 4 times larger respectively than that Colombia. That makes Sao Paolo/Rio, DF and Buenos Aires the four most important cities. Benefiting from a location advantage Bogota has a good strategic position to serve as a hub for the South American continent from USA and Europe, albeit the sea level’s height being a burden for aviation.
Its strategic continental position makes of Bogota a potentially thriving metropolis. Governance and social consensus have made difficult to implement the right policies to achieve competiveness, equity and sustainability. Governance and coordination between un-hierarchical local and regional Governments, Bogotá and Cundinamarca, is the challenge Bogota has been struggling with for at least the last 15 years. |
Reporte Panel Región Capital UNCRD-INTA |
In August 2010 a set of experts under the direction of UNCRD (United Nations Center for Regional Development) and INTA (International Urban Development Association) had a general look at Bogota and Cundinamarca general relationship and made some strategic proposals on how to set forward a metropolitan structure.
This is the comprehensive report that could have set up the basic structure to follow up by the Institutions. It is still time. |
La Carta Para Región Capital |
The Balanced Urban Unit (BUD) is the basic urban unit* that compose the metropolitan structure. It is a template for the adequate location of urban functions within an urban structure. Centrality, residential, productive activities, social facilities, transport infrastructure and environmental networks are combined in an archetype to form a consistent and integrated ensemble.
The BUD is only the archetype. It has to be understood and adapted to each of the circumstances that determine the specificity of every particular urban unit. The flexibility of the system allows for that adaptation as it has been experienced in more than 50 cases.
The BUD is the urban unit, the ‘tactic’ element (the brick) that has to be combined into the metropolitan ‘strategy’ (the architecture). To see how both should be articulated see the CT Methodology.
* The BUD has its origin in the UDE (Unidad de Desarrollo Equilibrado) of Madrid Regional Plan of 1996. The straightforward application to more than 30 urban units in Madrid has, and still is, determining almost every one of the 90 Master Plans which have been approved in Madrid in the last 15 years. |
Ordenacion Reticular del Territorio, Bogota 1998 - 2028 |
Bogota is located on a high plateau and benefits from a mild climate and an abundance of water provision. The linear structure of the cordillera against which Bogota is situated provides the main development axis of the metropolitan structure. The urban structure of Bogota has developed along this 30-degree north-south axis. The perpendicular axis gives directionality for the expansion of the metropolis towards its natural plateau plain.
The metropolitan region of Bogota expands along the Sabana Plateau, which is 40 km wide and 100 km long. The linear, though meandering, layout of the Bogota River, and the double ridge of hilly cordilleras in the plateau provide strong geographical features that have conditioned a reticular location of the urban settlements.
The main developments of Bogota are following these features. The Metro proposal, the commuter train project along the historical lines which serve the main urban centers, the need for a future new airport and the development of a metropolitan highway system all follow this analysis made under the Ordenacion Reticular del Territorio (CT Method) approach in 1998. |
Cartografia de Ordenacion Reticular del Territorio, Bogota 1998 - 2028 |
Cartography for Ordenacion Reticular del Territorio, Bogota 1998 - 2028 |