Sub-Saharan Africa » Nigeria »
Lagos umbilical cord |
Lagos is the largest city in Africa in the largest country in Africa, in the wealthiest economy in Africa. A city whose growth is uncontrolled, a country that has to handle provision of needs to the 170 million population, oil and minerals wealth whose effect might be felt more abroad than in the development of Nigeria’s economy.
Lagos is a problem and a nightmare. The island is under traffic collapse and circumstances are worsening in spite of failed, conceptually insufficient, attempts to solve the public transport needs. Lagos Island needs to be linked to the mainland to survive. The stem, the petiole, the umbilical cord, now just 3 insufficient road bridges, would need to be multiplied to figures that make the project unrealistic. The wise alternative is the commuter train, extending the mainland rail terminus to reach the Island.
2 million passengers (Mumbai Victoria-Terminal Station 4 million) would be able to reach the Island and the different intermodal supply for local transport, without the need to suffer the never-ending jams of the 3 insufficient bridges. The Island Intermodal station would have to be designed as a multipurpose metropolitan/national centrality as well as the surrounding urban spaces to adequately make the multimodal public transport connection and distribution. Land Value increases would largely pay for the project if the administration is able enough to manage the procedure right. |