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Bogota Cundinamarca
Bogota, mas allá: Iconografía Territorial |
Bogota is exploding beyond its boundaries. The metropolitan phenomena has reached and affected the whole Cundinamarca Sabana. Both departmental administrations, Bogota and Cundinamarca, are looking for ways to coordinate each other. Inter-administrative coordination is difficult and often-conflicting competences are unresolved for years. As mentioned, and presented in another paper of this page, we must look at the institutional framework (1991 Constitution) as a potential instigator of these conflicts.
Bogota and Cundinamarca under the umbrella of the new ‘Regalías’ framework have decided to set up together the white paper upon which start a discussion: the precise knowledge of territorial phenomena to reduce the ideological confrontation and foster a rational discussion framework: The ODUR (Observatorio de la Dinámica Urbano-Regional)
The ODUR coordinates and homogenizes the territorial data and information. It is a very important job that will provide the basis not only for Governmental decision-making but as well for the private sector to operate with a sound and comprehensive information for investments and entrepreneurial decisions. This relevant data needs means of communication not only to be available for territorial decision making of the Government specialist but for the public at large. Government will be serving the General Interest.
These means of communication, when dealing with a territory are Analogical Maps, Diagrams and Schemes. This paper explores these potential alternatives looking at other world-class metropolises and approaching the need for a conceptual diagram and scheme for Bogota and Cundinamarca. |
Cundinamarca, a donde vamos? |
The Bogota-Cundinamarca metropolis does not have a deficit of strategic development direction. For 18 years already it knows what has to be done. The UNCRD project on the Mesa de Planificación, as other sources like the INTA/UNCRD report and diverse professional expertise (Pedro B. Ortiz 1998) have provided the direction for that development.
Now, 18 years later, 25 years after the 1991 Constitution, we can introduce a SIXTH one: The Institutional revision. As we have seen it is not the strategic vision and/or direction which is lacking in Bogota. It is the capacity of the Institutional framework to carry on those projects. For 18 years Bogotá-Cundinamarca have been struggling to develop these projects and little has been done. |
Cundinamarca, quo vadis? |
Cundinamarca Department in Colombia contains the metropolitan area of Bogota, though Bogota is not within the Department. This dual administrative structure has created many political difficulties since it was set up by the 1991 constitution. The metropolis, due to the limited competences of the Departments in Colombia upon municipalities, cannot respond with integrated policies to the needs of Bogota. Metastatic growth is the result.
Cundinamarca needs a metropolitan vision and a set of strategic projects that would make a difference and vertebrate its future achieving efficiency, equity and sustainability in a governance framework. This presentation provides both for the model as for the 6 main strategic projects required. Implementation is the critical path as these projects were obvious since 1997, 18 years ago, but 5 Administrative mandates, with 5 Governor, have been unable to start any of them. |